Entérate del trabajo multidisciplinario que se realiza en el Delta del Río Colorado, de los avances, los retos y de cómo puedes ser parte del esfuerzo por devolverle la vida al río.

29 Mar, 2022 | Extensionismo Agroecológico

The Productive Orientation of Rural Extensionists in the Regions of Mexico: A Key Element for Agroecological Transition

Autor: Felipe Gallardo-López, Fernando Landini & Mario Alejandro Hernández-Chontal

Considering the agroclimatic and social diversity of Mexico, this paper starts by recognizing the potential of rural extensionists within a policy framework of agroecological transition in the country. This paper identifies the types of productive positioning (agroecological vs. conventional) of rural extensionists located across the diverse states and socioeconomic regions of Mexico.

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